Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today I would like to share with you some photos that were taken in and around our warehouse by someone (who wishes to remain anonymous) practising his photography skills.

It was such a lovely surprise to receive a copy of his work in the mail. They are such beautiful shots.

Today I will just let the photos do the talking...

It is a pleasure to share them with you !!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

behind closed doors...

Behind closed doors we are currently preparing for something very exciting...

...let me tempt you be saying I have been sourcing the most fabulous pieces for some time and stashing them away as I prepare for this new venture...

...I look forward to sharing more details with you all at a later date!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

for something a bit different...

Although our shop Montreux is often described  as having a 'european vintage' feel, we source items from all over the world, and currently have available for sale an amazing 'chinese ancestory hanging' which we have hanging in our warehouse. Hand painted on linen it is quite an amazing piece.

After doing a bit of research I am now quite fascinated by these portrait paintings created by artists specifically for use so that families can worship their deceased family members.

The Chinese have long had a profound connection to their ancestors. They believe that death does not sever a person's relationship with the living and that, if properly worshipped and honored in private family rituals, the spirits of their ancestors can bring them health, long life, prosperity and children who will someday similarly honor their parents.

The ancestors were almost always depicted nearly life-sized in a frontal pose, usually seated in an elaborately carved chair draped in brocade or fur, with a lavish carpet at their feet. All ancestors wore semiformal winter gowns or fur-trimmed robes. The only differences are gender-related: the women's feet, considered the most erotic part of her body, were always hidden;and most woman's hands were also hidden as well.

All ancestors were painted with virtually the same expression, yet great care is taken in the portraits to record the deceased's face realistically. Capturing the likeness was crutial for the portrait to be able to function as a ritual object.

Besides being compelling art, the paintings reveal much about Chinese social and cultural history. With the development of photograpy in the 19th century, the painting of ancestor portraits began to wane. People were photographed rather than painted, and still today such photographic portraits continue to hold a central place in the Chinese tradition of ancestor worship.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

back by popular demand

Winter has definitely arrived and with the temperature today only expected to reach a chilly 11°C , this new batch of cosy neck warmers couldn't have arrived at a more opportune time!

We are also delighted to announce there are new colours available...grey...charcoal...denim and a fabulous olive green (which I will be adding to my collection).

At $30 each they are a must have winter item!!

Keep warm x

Saturday, June 4, 2011

iron twist french cafe chairs

not one...

not two...

but eight iron twist french cafe chairs !

Selling as pairs, set of 4, set of 6 or set of 8.