Over the years we have been fortunate to build a wonderful supportive customer base, some of who are new to Montreux, and some that have followed our journey from its begining at our first little shop all the way to where we are located today.
We have shared many a story, happy and sad, many a remedy and recepie, compared travel stories, children stories and much more.
Last week at our warehouse out of the blue a customer arrived with the most beautiful bunch of white lillacs for no reason, just because! This same person has the most generous heart and had over the years has arrived with many a treat even giving to me the most beautiful old cigar box knowing that I collected them.
I kept the lillacs at the warehouse for the day then took therm home where I could enjoy their beauty and their wonderful scent . They certainly brightened my week and they are a reminder of how kind and generous of heart our customers can be.
These shots were taken at our warehouse last week we have started collecting some great new - old pieces!